Is your fear of water preventing you from taking part in a triathlon? Or perhaps you reluctantly take part. You’re uncomfortable and you know that “Fear of Water Stopping You From Competing in a Triathlon?”
Category: Stress Relief
Downgrade the Drama
Why would you want to downgrade the drama, especially when it is exciting? There’s passion, movement, power struggles. At best, all that high emotion can “Downgrade the Drama”
When Love Is in the Air
When love is in the air, things tend to flow. There’s an openness that allows for greater opportunities, more forgiveness and a willingness to collaborate. “When Love Is in the Air”
Blah and Blue in January?
As 2022 unfurled, I was feeling somewhat blah and blue. The unyielding grip that COVID-19 has on the world, the weather, not enough exercise…blah, blah, “Blah and Blue in January?”
When Disaster Strikes
When disaster strikes, as it has here in British Columbia with the extreme flooding that has cut the province off from the rest of Canada, “When Disaster Strikes”
Coaches, Facilitators, Teachers: The Gift of Silence
If you are a coach, facilitator or teacher, the gift of silence is an invaluable part of learning. Are you judiciously making use of “Coaches, Facilitators, Teachers: The Gift of Silence”
Sift Out the Significance
Learn to sift out the significance to achieve a greater feeling of calm and wellbeing. Stress has a way of assigning significance to things that “Sift Out the Significance”
Improve Your Energetic Signature
Your energetic signature is impacted by how you feel. When you’re not in a good place, it tends to be messily written or suppressed. Think “Improve Your Energetic Signature”
Hijacked by Stress
How do you know if you are hijacked by stress? Stress is running you when you can’t pause long enough to do what you need “Hijacked by Stress”
Sometimes You Gotta Just Stop…
…and swing! My morning walking route often takes me by several playgrounds; for no reason at all, I stopped and hopped onto a swing. I “Sometimes You Gotta Just Stop…”
Emotional Contagion in School and Elsewhere
Not in teacher’s college, nor while I was teaching, did I hear the term “emotional contagion.” However, it didn’t mean that I was unaware of “Emotional Contagion in School and Elsewhere”
Walking Ladner – Protecting My Sanity Through COVID-19
As COVID-19 grinds on, there are days when it is more difficult to maintain my equilibrium. I am fortunate in that I practice a number “Walking Ladner – Protecting My Sanity Through COVID-19”