There are so many wonderful, encouraging people in my life without whom I don't think these words would be here for you to read. My story is interwoven in the journeys we have taken together and how we have helped each other be who we are today.
"Each and every heart it seems, is bounded by a world of dreams..." - 'The Voice' by The Moody Blues
When I was first diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis I was just nineteen years old. Being diagnosed with a chronic and debilitating disease is never a good thing. However, I seem to recall dealing with it pragmatically, even though it weighed heavily upon my struggle with independence from a home life already full of its own tensions.
After the initial shock gave way, I found the courage to 'do it anyway'. For many years, I was able to continue with many of my beloved activities, eventually modifying them and then finally just 'fondly remembering when' I would do some of them. When my RA became more debilitating, I diligently worked my way through all the medications and treatments known to the experts, became very familiar with the term pain management and learned how to juggle life with a chronic illness. Additionally, I had surgery upon surgery to replace this, fix that and aid the next thing. Now I smile when my bionic parts give airport authorities pause, but for years I was burdened by the thought of yet another procedure and no release from the pain, anxiety and stress.
All the while I was meeting people who found themselves in a similar place and many who were suffering with so much more than me. What heartened me most was the genuine encouragement to continue, the willingness to help me maneuver a situation, the positive effect sharing their stories had on me. I have shared some of our stories on A Rheumful of Tips.
The insight I received from those interactions, plus the knowledge I gained from the many courses I took, learning methods that truly work for me, I now share with others. I can attest that my time-tested tools and strategies have been life altering - even life saving - and it is my hope that many more people can benefit from them.
I am Marianna Paulson, also known as Auntie Stress to my clients and friends. As a stress transformation coach and educator, I am committed to helping you recognize your stress triggers and how to diffuse them. By learning and practicing stress-transforming techniques that are appropriate to your situation, you will benefit from having more control and recovering much faster when you get into a negative or stressful state.
Contact me today for a chat to discover how to enhance your performance while you address and undress your stress.
"Marianna is an excellent facilitator, speaker and a compassionate presence. She helped the group identify their stressors, educated thoroughly and gave excellent resources to transform their stress. I have full confidence in her expertise." - Christa Stubbington of Authentically U, Coaching & Counselling
"Often we are unaware of the impact we've had on others, especially when the contact was limited, but it can still be quite profound. In my case, thanks to Marianna, I still practice the Quick Coherence Technique on a daily basis and have found it to be a great source of peace in my life. While many of those I rub elbows with may never know your name, I'm certain they would thank you for the ripple of benefits they receive from a calmer me. It's all about connections and tapestry, and while our time together was brief, I remain grateful that you shone into mine." - Cliff Hanlon