Oh, my! How a month flies by when you blog on a daily basis, but then I knew that from my daily, year-long blogging project “A to Z of Stress, Undressed Recap”
Category: A-Z Stress Undressed
Z – Zone
Day 31 That special moment when skill, technique and conditioning all come together is called what? That’s an easy one, of course, especially since I “Z – Zone”
Y – You-You
Day 30 If you’ve ever felt that your emotions resemble the actions of a yo-yo, you might want to consider how much stress you are “Y – You-You”
X – Xylophone
Day 29 Xylophone? Yes, xylophone! But it could also be guitar, piano, swimming, painting or any other thing you’d like to accomplish, but have yet “X – Xylophone”
W – Wait-Training
Day 27 Have you added some wait-training to your wellness regime? In 1970, futurist Alvin Toffler released his notable book, Future Shock. He predicted that information “W – Wait-Training”
V – Values
Day 26 Have your values been side-lined, just like some over-aggressive athlete at a world-class event? Do you regularly sip and savour the values that “V – Values”
U – Unhealthy
Day 25 You are vigourous in your exercise regime. You watch every morsel that crosses your lips. Your water is pure. Your vitamins are carefully researched and duly “U – Unhealthy”
T – Thinking
Day 24 “Thinking. The talking of the soul with itself.” – Plato Talking about Thinking What is the soul saying when thinking goes round and round “T – Thinking”
S – Synergy
Day 23 Loosely defined, synergy is the cooperative or combined action of two or more forces, resulting in more successful or productive outcomes. In the “S – Synergy”
R – Rejuvenation
Day 22 To rejuvenate is to make young; to restore to an original or new state. Aging is a fact of life, in spite of “R – Rejuvenation”
Q – Question
Day 20 Who are you when you are stressed? What do you do to undress your stress? When do you put your stress techniques into effect? Where do “Q – Question”
P – Perception
Day 19 “Perception is reality.” – Lee Atwater Your perception of your environment influences how you think and feel. You consciously and unconsciously are constantly “P – Perception”