Learn to sift out the significance to achieve a greater feeling of calm and wellbeing. Stress has a way of assigning significance to things that “Sift Out the Significance”
Tag: stress response
#564 – Live Better with RA – Tip #5
Tip #5 – Laugh and/or Smile I was recently reminded about the healing power of laughter. I had injured myself doing some leg exercises with “#564 – Live Better with RA – Tip #5”
Stress, a Sense of Smell and Essential Oils
My rheumatoid arthritis (RA) journey includes the use of essential oils to help keep me well. In addition to having inflammation and pain, people with “Stress, a Sense of Smell and Essential Oils”
Change Resistance
Resistance often tumbles ashore, carried by the waves of change. At first glance, you might think that the resistance is marked by an attitude of “Change Resistance”
#309 – Finding What You’re Looking For
I recently read The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. The story is told from the point of view of Enzo, the “#309 – Finding What You’re Looking For”
Fade Your Fear and Get in the Swim!
It’s a fact that fear triggers the stress response. It’s also a fact that you can learn to face your fear and finally follow your “Fade Your Fear and Get in the Swim!”
#226 – Inflammation Vacation
Over the decades, I have tried many things to help me manage my flare-ups. One of the very best things I’ve done, and continue to “#226 – Inflammation Vacation”
Survival – Then and Now
Step into that time machine and zoom back, back, back, to the time when prehistoric man walked the earth. They knew how to throw a “Survival – Then and Now”
#142 – The Lunch Table – Choose Wisely
Choosing your lunch table is as important as choosing what you eat for lunch. You may be placing an order for something you didn’t want. “#142 – The Lunch Table – Choose Wisely”
#47 – Waiting, Wondering and Worrying
If you’re like me, waiting time can be filled with wondering and worrying, especially if it involves waiting for test results. Your imagination, possibly aided “#47 – Waiting, Wondering and Worrying”
Google and Stress – Conversation Killers?
A gambit is a remark that is a conversation opener. One of the best ways to open a conversation is with a question. “How are “Google and Stress – Conversation Killers?”
Want: What Women
Do I or don’t I? I know that by typing a certain four-lettered word, I’ll attract a certain type of reader faster than a texting “Want: What Women”