COVID-19. Coronavirus. Social Distancing. Flatten the curve. Plank the curve. Don’t be a spreader. Covidiot. Caremongering. In it together. When they next do a reprint, “COVID-19 Stress Strategies”
Tag: laughter
#564 – Live Better with RA – Tip #5
Tip #5 – Laugh and/or Smile I was recently reminded about the healing power of laughter. I had injured myself doing some leg exercises with “#564 – Live Better with RA – Tip #5”
Mirthful Monday: Funny Bone?
I have another blog called A Rheumful of Tips, where I provide appetizer-sized tips, tricks, strategies and the odd giveaway for swimming through life with “Mirthful Monday: Funny Bone?”
#397 – Your Funny Bone
Hello, my name is Marianna and I am not a comedian. I’ve come to terms with this. Every comedian needs an audience and that’s a role I “#397 – Your Funny Bone”
#195 – Laughing…at Myself
I often awaken before the alarm goes off. The alarm clock I have is the type that doesn’t shed any light unless you press down “#195 – Laughing…at Myself”
Banking on It! How to Accrue Interest in the “Bank of Good Feelings”
It sounded like a chortling brook winding its way down gently rolling hills. And, it was the best reaction yet. Whenever I pull out my “Banking on It! How to Accrue Interest in the “Bank of Good Feelings””