Yes, we’re all going to go at some time or another, but while we’re here, let’s make the most of it. As someone who is “#415 – Forget the Bucket List, Make a Life List”
Tag: worry
#47 – Waiting, Wondering and Worrying
If you’re like me, waiting time can be filled with wondering and worrying, especially if it involves waiting for test results. Your imagination, possibly aided “#47 – Waiting, Wondering and Worrying”
Operating Table to Dancing on the Table!
When stress is lowered, people are better able to deal with the things that are plaguing them. I have had rheumatoid arthritis for 33 years “Operating Table to Dancing on the Table!”
Knife Arthritis. It felt like someone was taking a knife and sliding it back and forth, up and down, right through the middle of my “Forecasting”
“I want it NOW!” Most of us are familiar with the demands and subsequent tantrums of young children when they don’t get what they want. “NOW!”
The “C” Word
Last week, we received the diagnosis that Murphy, our dear, sweet dog, has bone cancer. We’ve heard those words before. It’ll be ten years this “The “C” Word”
French Files
I see the brain as a giant filing cabinet. Oh, what delights are stored, catalogued and hidden in its depths! As we age, we come “French Files”
All Aboard!
The “worry train” is leaving the station and the conductor is trying to drag me on board. This time I know where this train doesn’t “All Aboard!”
A Glimmer of Sunshine
It has been a challenging week with my husband’s illness. I was feeling that any ground gained had been lost. I had taken Murphy, our “A Glimmer of Sunshine”
Wayward Sheep
I see my thoughts as a herd of sheep. Since I have been practicing these wonderful techniques, the “sheep” are staying together in the flock “Wayward Sheep”