Little projects and challenges keep me moving forward. I love going on adventures and having unique experiences, but life with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has reined “#598 – Little Projects and Challenges”
Tag: creativity
#590 – RA: Creative Through Necessity
I’ve found that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has forced me to be creative through necessity. With limited mobility, I’ve looked for out-of-the-box solutions for everyday challenges. “#590 – RA: Creative Through Necessity”
#578 – Budget Tip: Grocery Cart
Who wants to touch grocery cart handles, especially during COVID-19? Really, who wants to touch them at any time? I wanted to walk to the “#578 – Budget Tip: Grocery Cart”
Book Review & Giveaway: Meditative Arts and Crafts
What a collection! Four Meditative Arts and Crafts – four and yes, count ’em – books on how to find peace and stress release through “Book Review & Giveaway: Meditative Arts and Crafts”
#515 – Lose Yourself (in an Activity)
I’ve found that getting immersed in something other than my disease is a good way to forget, if only for a while, that I have a “#515 – Lose Yourself (in an Activity)”
Book Review & Giveaway: Once Upon a Piece of Paper
Research is showing that creativity can have a positive effect on emotional well-being. Conversely, positive emotional states have been shown to increase creativity. An article “Book Review & Giveaway: Once Upon a Piece of Paper”
Creativity Constricted?
It’s there – somewhere. Perhaps it’s hidden deep beneath mummy-like bindings. You recall being much more creative when you were a child. You have mists “Creativity Constricted?”
A Salute to Stretching, Reaching and Growing
“Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.” – James Bryant Conan Gurpreet and I are in the same Toastmasters “A Salute to Stretching, Reaching and Growing”
Twelve Tips To Ignite Your Creativity
Read the newspaper, blogs and magazines. An article you read may very well be the prompt you need to get you started on a topic. “Twelve Tips To Ignite Your Creativity”
How Small Can He Go? (+ Draw to Win a Spurtle)
Maarten Meerman, known as @nanotray on Twitter, is “lathen” with talent, skill and creativity. His creative projects showcase a marvelous blend of his engineering mind “How Small Can He Go? (+ Draw to Win a Spurtle)”
From Black and White to a Colourful Symphony of Sound
“I’m always looking for the next note I’m gonna hit and right or wrong, I’m heading for the next song – as in life.” – “From Black and White to a Colourful Symphony of Sound”
Songs in His Heart
In through the ears, straight to the heart and up to the head. Music has that ability to stir us deep in our core. It “Songs in His Heart”