Ah, the beauty of hindsight. The things I wished I knew then, which wouldcouldmay have set a different course for the progression of my disease. “#513 – Alter Your Course”
Tag: stress transformation
A Burnt Pot = Another Stress Lesson
I set the rice to boil, while I quickly went to edit a post on my new blog – A Rheumful of Tips. I was “A Burnt Pot = Another Stress Lesson”
With the Turn of a Calendar Page
‘Tis the season to be jolly, or is it? For a child growing up in the home of an alcoholic, any holiday season is fraught “With the Turn of a Calendar Page”
Queen of the Castle
Are you so busy defending the castle that you never get to play in it? Have ever you watched children at play on the beach? “Queen of the Castle”
Happy Birthday to Me!
Years ago, a friend told me something that I’ve never forgotten. Her sister had been challenged with a particular type of cancer, one that was “Happy Birthday to Me!”
Speak to Me
Some call it intuition, others an “inner knowingness”. It’s the voice that lets you make the decisions that are right for you. One of the “Speak to Me”