Habit is the development of a behaviour pattern until it almost becomes involuntary. The “almost” in that definition is important. It implies that because it “The Stress Habit”
Tag: anger
Book Review & Giveaway: Daily Meditations for Calming Your Angry Mind
Daily Meditations for Calming Your Angry Mind – mindfulness practices to free yourself from anger by Jeffrey Brantley, MD and Wendy Millstine, NC is a “Book Review & Giveaway: Daily Meditations for Calming Your Angry Mind”
Anger and RA: A Primer
You want to do what you want to do, go where you want to go, but your body may have other ideas when you have “Anger and RA: A Primer”
The Science of Control
Let’s just say I was more than surprised when I started watching this episode of National Geographic’s Fight Science. It wasn’t the “fight” that intrigued “The Science of Control”
Flying Through Life
Not every plane leaves the ground. You’ve done your part. Arrived on time to check-in, clear security and board your flight. You’ve managed to work “Flying Through Life”
“I want it NOW!” Most of us are familiar with the demands and subsequent tantrums of young children when they don’t get what they want. “NOW!”
Forgifting Yourself
Forgiveness. Such a simple word, yet so difficult to do. Or, at least we make it difficult. I’ve just finished reading Staatenlos by Rose Pena. “Forgifting Yourself”