If you smoke…quit! When I was in high school, it was considered cool to smoke. I was never cool, according to that particular measuring stick. “#589 – If You Smoke…”
Tag: habits
#588 – How To Get Things Done, Even with RA
Living with a chronic debilitating disease such as RA (rheumatoid arthritis), you still need to get things done. Taking care of daily living tasks can “#588 – How To Get Things Done, Even with RA”
Favourite Books of 2019
Given all the heartache that is going on in the world, we all need some (or a lot) of bibliotherapy to get us through these “Favourite Books of 2019”
The Stress Habit
Habit is the development of a behaviour pattern until it almost becomes involuntary. The “almost” in that definition is important. It implies that because it “The Stress Habit”
Here a Habit, There a Habit
You sprinkle your day with habits. Your habits can be a friend or a foe. Habits can help you approach your tasks in a more “Here a Habit, There a Habit”
#357 – My Givens and a Giveaway
Be sure to get enough rest, water, nutrition, exercise and friendship. Appreciate that you have enough rest, water, nutrition, exercise and friendship! Schedule time for “#357 – My Givens and a Giveaway”
Your Body Speaks
This week began with a “Pop!” – and not in a good way, either! You can read about my misadventure on Not How I Planned “Your Body Speaks”
Honouring Earth Day – Running Towards Change
In celebration of Earth Day, I’d like to introduce you to Matt Hill and Stephanie Tait. These two remarkable individuals did more than just talk “Honouring Earth Day – Running Towards Change”
Unleash Good Habits
“Holly, heel!…….Heel, Holly!” as we went around the course, yet another time. “Come, Holly, heel!” “Do you usually ask Holly to come when you want “Unleash Good Habits”
Earth Day Habits, All Year
Recently, while standing in the line-up at the grocery store, I overheard the following interchange between the customer and the sales clerk: – “Do you “Earth Day Habits, All Year”
Are You “Souffled?”
It is accepted wisdom that just as in life, variety in what we consume is essential to good health and cheer. However, many of us “Are You “Souffled?””
People ask me for tips to reduce their stress. They want advice that will give them more time, keep their homes tidy or keep on “Practicalities”