I am guilty as charged. I can get carried away with some of these behaviours but fortunately, I catch myself and have techniques that reduce the internal damage caused by stress hormones.
- Saying "yes" to too many people.
- Mindlessly "surfing" the net or your cell phone.
- Not being present with the person you're with.
- Over-subscribing to magazines, newsletters, e-zines and papers.
- Watching/listening to the a.m., midday, 5, 6 and 10 p.m. news.
- All work and no play.
- Having a nature deficit.
- Doing it all for your kids.
- Forgetting about self-care strategies.
- Thinking that it's "just stress" and that there is nothing you can do about it. There is, though. I have coaching programs and D.I.Y. products to help you address and undress your stress. Contact me for more information.
What can you do differently?