ART is short for A Rheumful of Tips, my blog where I share tips, tricks and strategies for swimming through life with rheumatoid arthritis. Over the years - has it really been thirty-eight years? - I've learned that while you have rheumatoid arthritis, it doesn't have to have you. When you find ways to transform your stress, manage your energy, conserve your joints and do the things you do more efficiently, you take back the power over your disease.
As stated on ART on September 26th:
"On January 24th, 2014, I closed the door on A Rheumful of Tips (ART for short). If only I could have closed the door on rheumatoid arthritis, at the same time! However, acceptance is part of my story, as you'll discover by reading Accepting, adapting, adopting on Live Bold Live Now, a compelling story campaign on Health Central.
Initially, ART was a one year, daily blogging project. I succeeded in posting on 365 consecutive days. Then, on Halloween 2013, the earth moved me out of retirement. Quite literally. We had a small earthquake here in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. It provided me with the impetus to continue sharing my tips, tricks and strategies for another 135 posts.
I've not been absent from the world of writing, though. I continue to blog on Auntie Stress Café and I also enjoy a monthly writing gig on HealthCentral, where I share more tips, tricks and strategies that you can choose to accept, adapt and/or adopt.
Lately, ART has been calling. I first heard a whisper in the summer which I promptly ignored. With the onset of September, which always feels like my new year - all those years spent teaching left an imprint on me - that whisper grew in volume.
It was by chance - or was it? - that I saw tweets from several of my favourite people (Lene Andersen, Cathy Kramer, Annette McKinnon and J.G. Chayko) discussing #RABlogWeek, hosted by Rick, who owns the blog, RADiabetes. So, here I go, again. Who knows how far I will go this time?!"
I invite my readers to come visit me on ART for ideas that you can use to make your life easier. Please note, that you don't have to have RA to benefit. A lot of the suggestions I make work well for any type of mobility issues. Seniors can benefit, too.
Come for a visit. Stay for a while.
My latest post on ART:
LOVE that ART is back up!
Thanks, J.!
Yippee! My RSS feed reader has missed your great tips.
My intention is to feed it practical tips. 😉
Nice to hear this as I just recently found your blog and was dismayed that it was no longer active. Looking forward to your new posts.
Thanks, Janet. Do you have RA?