#461 – Pfizer’s First RA Blogger Summit – NYC

Enjoying the view from The Empire State Building.

I almost missed it. The invite landed in the inbox of an email address that I don't check as often as I should. Suffice to say, I have remedied that!

I had to read it several times before it sunk in that I was being asked to travel to New York City - travel and lodging expenses covered - to provide feedback on Pfizer's new educational program Rethink RA!

Never mind "Hello!", they had me at:

"Join us for a day of interactive discussions, learning and providing feedback about issues that are important to the rheumatoid arthritis (RA) community. Meet Seamus Mullen, award-winning chef who has RA."

Twist Mktg expeditiously handled all my travel arrangements, going so far as to leave a care package at the front desk of the hotel which contained bottled water and several healthy snacks. After a full day of travel, this small, thoughtful gesture set the tone for the warm welcome we received the next day, when we met members of the Twist Mktg team and Pfizer leaders in Medical, Public Affairs, Marketing and Communications.

These are the other bloggers who attended the RA Blogger Summit on May 31st, 2013 with me:

I encourage you to stop by their blogs to gain different perspectives of living with RA.

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10 Replies to “#461 – Pfizer’s First RA Blogger Summit – NYC”

  1. Hello! Thank you for your message a few days ago. I just got home from NY yesterday morning and I’ve been trying to recover since then. It was wonderful to meet you at the event and I hope you had a fun time seeing a bit more of NYC! Let’s chat soon!


    1. Hi Angela,
      It’s so nice to be able to connect on so many different levels. I was wondering where you ended up staying while in NYC. We’ll have to compare notes – Skype? Google Hangout?

      I made a fairly rapid travel recovery this time around. Sending you a speedy one, as well.

    1. Thanks, Christian.
      It certainly was. The interesting thing was that the week before, I had been thinking about what it would be like to go to NYC, which is when that unread email was sitting in my inbox.I think was intuition was ringing. 🙂

  2. Congratulations! Sounds like a wonderful New York visit. I love your Empire State Building picture.

    (psst….did you try one of NY famous staples – the hotdog? If you can survive one, you can survive anything) 😉

    1. It was a great trip, Casper. As for the hot dog – hubby remembered to get one on the last night, but I wasn’t hungry – I guess he’ll survive anything! 🙂

  3. It was great meeting you in NYC, Marianna! I look forward to reading more of your blog. I hope you enjoyed the rest of your time there.

    1. Thanks, Dana. I feel like we barely scratched the surface of NYC. I especially loved the history of the buildings.
      I forget when you were flying back – did you have a chance to see some sites?

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