Goals are great, but sometimes that box in which you've placed your goal can imprison you, preventing you from taking advantage of the greater possibilities that may be beyond the well-defined borders of your goal and definitely beyond your wildest dreams. At least, that's been my recent experience.
I have a second blog - A Rheumful of Tips (ART), where I provide tips for moving through life with rheumatoid arthritis. Lately, some wonderful opportunities have been tickling more than my fancy, like an invitation to attend Pfizer's First Annual Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Blogger Summit in New York City on May 31st, 2013.
Pfizer's First RA Blogger Summit - NYC is the first of several planned RA-related posts about my NYC adventures.
Fortunately, my husband was able to join me post-Summit for a mini, action-packed vacation; one that barely scratched the surface of all that is New York City!
The beauty of social media is that you begin to forge relationships with people in other corners of the world. Dorlee, a frequent visitor to my blogs and a #SummitFriend, graciously took time out of her schedule to meet me. Suffice to say that there were no conversational gaps, which can be a common occurrence when you first get to know someone.
Goal setting and stress undressing
Negative thoughts and emotions can trigger the stress response. In turn, that can cause you to become too rigid in the way you think and act. Flexibility, on the other hand, allows you to adjust accordingly to the situations in which you may find yourself, including the recognition and seizing of opportunities that are outside the perimeter of your well-defined goals.
Regular stress undressing has improved my life in so many wonderful ways, including being ready to act upon the opportunities that come my way. In addition to minimizing the fall-out from RA flare-ups, those techniques helped to keep me on target with my daily, year-long blogging project on ART. My intuition has improved, as has the quality of my sleep.
Definitely set your goals - use them as a compass to guide you to where you want to go. Keep in mind that there is often something bigger planned for you. Are you ready to board that flight to parts unknown? A flight which can be a little (or lot) scary, but with stress techniques, you'll be able to fade your fears.
Let me help you put some stress techniques into your bag of tricks to assist you on your journey beyond the box (of your goal). Let's talk.
It was so lovely to get a chance to meet with you face to face! I hope that there will be additional opportunities in the not too distant future 🙂
There are direct flights between New York and Vancouver! 😉
I love the fact that the picture of you in Times Square has the sign “Empower” right above your head…how perfect!
I love that you noticed! 🙂