COVID-19. Coronavirus. Social Distancing. Flatten the curve. Plank the curve. Don’t be a spreader. Covidiot. Caremongering. In it together. When they next do a reprint, “COVID-19 Stress Strategies”
Tag: kindness
Eighteen Easy Ways To Be Kind
Kindness – it’s in you to share and research is proving why a liberal sprinkling of kindness is not only good for those who are “Eighteen Easy Ways To Be Kind”
It’s in the Spirit
Last week on CBC’s Passionate Eye, I had the pleasure of watching a documentary, Becoming Santa. Jack Sanderson, a.k.a. Santa, even has a Twitter account. However, “It’s in the Spirit”
Kindness: The Bog Fire
In September of 2005, a fire ignited in Burn’s Bog, a large nature preserve dubbed the lungs of the Lower Mainland. A bog fire can “Kindness: The Bog Fire”
Upping The Auntie
Recently, I decided to post my own opinion poll on Twitter. After all, if the “big guys” can do it, why can’t I? My question: “Upping The Auntie”
Passing it On, or Paying it Forward
One of the best things we can do to lessen our stress is to open our heart and give to someone else. It doesn’t always “Passing it On, or Paying it Forward”