The quote below is from the enlightening chapter on epigenetics in Manage Your Stress by Joseph S. Shrand, MD, with Leigh M. Devine, MS.
It's a quote that I feel is relevant to my predisposition to and development of RA. A combination of the world events that my parents lived through, that affected their relationship with each other and us children, addictions and personality traits, which consisted of a lot of negative feelings, including intense worry and feelings of never being enough.
"We know today that the story of our genes is much more intriguing, complicated, and adaptable than we ever imagined. In fact, our genes appear to be much more sensitive to the environment around us, and that environment may influence whether our genes will or will not activate. The combination of our surroundings and our genetic predisposition impacts us from the very moments we enter the world, and even in the womb itself."
I have been able to become my own gate-keeper, thanks to the stress techniques I regularly deploy, even when I'm not stressed. Every day I practice what I preach and build up resilience. Think of it as filling your pantry shelves with preserves marked ability, capability, endurance, performance - things that allow you to do well when the world has other plans.
In helping to build up your pantry of stress management goodies, I am delighted to be given an opportunity to review this book, then offer it as a giveaway. We all need reminders to take ourselves seriously enough to lead a designed-by-us life, not one that is dictated by Stress Uncontrolled.
Filled with plenty of links to case studies, Manage your Stress will open your eyes to the deleterious effects of stress, but it won't leave you hanging, wondering "What next?" In a user-friendly format, you'll learn how stress impacts your immune system, cardiac system, your gastrointestinal tract, how you sleep, and your brain function. You'll get a good grounding in things you can do to start making a difference - now.
This book is not only about "overcoming stress in the modern world", it is also about being well by developing good living habits, with information on nutrition, relationships, time, structuring your home life and so much more.
As I tell my clients, when you have knowledge, about not only how stress impacts you, but more importantly, what to do about it, plus the practice of practicing your new behaviours, you can expect to see a change - one that will leave you feeling better - in ways that may delight you!
If you are puzzled by what to do about your stress, enter this giveaway for your own copy of Manage Your Stress.
How to Enter and Rules:
- To enter the giveaway, comment below how you know when you are stressed.
- Entries must be received by midnight PST on Sunday, May 19th, 2013.
- In order to enter, you must have a Canadian or US mailing address.
- For extra entries to the draw, let's get social:
- On Twitter share the following: I just entered a #giveaway for a copy of Manage Your Stress from @AuntieStress. You can, too!
- On Pinterest share a comment or repin the giveaway on my Giveaways Board - One winning entrant will be drawn from a hat. You will be notified via email. Your name will appear here, on Twitter and on Pinterest.
When my brain starts moving so fast I can’t shut it up. Also, getting crabby is a sure sign I’m about to crash.
I know I am stressed when I start waking up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep…I can’t stand when that happens!
I know when stress is getting to me when my pain increases and I also get overwhelming emotions, often negative.
Congratulations! You will be receiving a copy of Manage Your Stress!
Great news for RACanuck!!
I know when I am stressed because I eat more. And I also let myself buy more “bad” food
I know when I’m stressed because I get more emotional, my muscles get more tense, and I’m much more likely to lose my temper. I also find my thoughts more disorganized and it can be harder to focus when I’m really stressed. I think my reaction depends on what type of stress I’m experiencing…..whether it is from RA, work, or a fight with my boyfriend…..
Two clues for me: I wake up in the night and can’t go back to sleep, and I start getting candy from the vending machine at the office.
My neck and sholders start to ache! If I don’t win this book I will see if our public library has it available.
I don’t know. And that may be my biggest problem. All of the above I probably already do, except candy from a vending machine. Beer would be what i would look for. When I get worn down and am not breathing right my kids send me to bed! Or gently suggest…
Thank you to everyone for taking the time to enter. There will be a few more giveaways coming up, so stay tuned.
Great post Auntie Stress. (I checked out your other site too!)
Living with RA has really made me take a look at the stress I am adding to my life and ways to reduce it, which in turn reduces my joint pain.
Thanks for stopping by, Cathy.
I know we spoke briefly about the holistic approach, stress being part of the equation. The more ways in which we can approach our health and well-being, the better we feel.