As a result of my Eye Yi Yi! experience, I spent time waiting at the doctor's office, which is where I found this tip.
Question: what can you find in abundant supply in a doctor's office?
Answer: magazines!
This tip is coming to you, courtesy of the April 29th issue of First for Women magazine.
If you're like me, you don't look forward to the struggle that ensues when you put your duvet into your clean duvet cover.
The article I read suggested that you can end your duvet wrestling - my word, not the author's - by using bull clips to hold the top corners of the duvet in place, while you stuff the rest of the duvet into the cover.
The bull clips were too hard to squeeze open, however. Luckily, I found the solution in my my husband's tool box.
A 1 ½" clamp that is a dream to use. What goes around comes around - little did I know that that I'd be using them when I bought two of these as stocking stuffers for my husband one Christmas!

A long time ago I saw a tip (might even been a Martha tip) about keeping duvets straight in the duvet cover:
Put ribbbons on the inside of the cover (four corners and one or two down each side) then put a matching ribbon on the actual duvet. Tie the ribbons together.
Point being: the duvet cover and duvet are attached to each other but can be easily dettached when you want to wash the cover.
Great tip, Marianna. I had found about a year or so ago these duvet donut hole holders at Bed Bath and Beyond
They also have clips /Users/dorleem/Desktop/17590410313465p.jpg
The idea is that you attach the two inside corners (at first) and then once the duvet is completely inside the cover, you put the donut holes/clips on the remaining two corners. In this way, all 4 corners of the duvet are held in place for the duration of the time you are using the duvet and duvet cover.
Thanks to both of you for these excellent suggestions! It’s great for people to have a choice in how NOT to duvet wrestle. 🙂