#204 – The Do Contact List

Image courtesy of Robert Linder

Several weeks ago, I had a conglomeration of never-experienced-before symptoms that were hard to describe, even after checking Another Word for "It Hurts".

As a precautionary measure, my doctor sent me for an ECG and blood work. Thankfully, I didn't have nor was having a heart attack.

This got me thinking about who would want to know if I ended up in the hospital.

So, to make things easier for my husband, just in case, I updated my Contact List and put it on the bulletin board - no, not Pinterest - the real one.

Do you have a Do Contact List? Is it easily accessible?

10 Replies to “#204 – The Do Contact List”

  1. Excellent post. I carry my name and address in my luggage with my doctor’s name–in case I got separated from my purse or other distinguishing ID stuff. Medical ID bracelets are great tool. Beth

  2. Excellent point!

    We have an old fashioned address book by the phone with all our contacts in there.

    On your cell phone you can mark certain numbers with ICE at the front (In Case of Emergency). The 1st responders are supposed to know what that means if they find your phone with you.

    Love the pink rotary phone picture!

    1. Now, that’s something I didn’t know about. ICE. Thanks for sharing!

      Growing up wWe had a phone like that in the standard colour – black! You?

  3. As you know Marianna, I have a heart complaint. On two seperate occasions I had to call for cardiac help. My doctor had warned me not to waste time calling family, the local surgery or a friend, just to call 999/911 and not waste precious time. In my cell phone are two ICE numbers (mentioned in the previous comment). I also carry an A5 sheet of paper in my coin purse. It is typed with my name & address, DOB, an up to date list of medications, allergies and particularly the medications I am allergic to (and there are plenty). Then I have my local doctor’s name, surgery address and phone number and finally next of kin details with name, address and phone number. I keep this in my computer and update as needed andprint it off.

    Any time I have to attend a hospital, I give them a copy to attach to my file. It certainly makes life easier.

    I also use ‘A message in a Bottle’ and blogged about it here http://www.grannymar.com/blog/2007/04/15/message-in-a-bottle/

    1. Hi Grannymar,

      All great ideas. Do you have a Medic Alert bracelet?

      Interesting concept re. The Message in a Bottle.

      My sister was a Paramedic. They would hand out a magnetized form which was to be attached to the fridge, outlining medications, allergies and medical conditions.

      1. No, Marianna. I do not wear a Medic Alert bracelet. I even stopped wearing a watch a few years ago because it was inclined to catch my ‘tiny’ veins at my wrists. Breaking the skin would not be a good idea and something I try to avoid.

    1. Hi Kate,

      I do have a recipe file box with phone numbers, next to the phone, similar to S. Emerson’s book. However, not everyone in it would need to be contacted should I unexpectedly end up in hospital.

      I appreciate your stopping by for a visit. I’ll go see what’s cooking over at your “place”. 🙂

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