“If you lose some weight, it’ll be easier on your joints.” Easier said than done. At my heaviest, I weighed a whopping 230 pounds – “Weight Loss and RA: Be Kind to Your Joints”
Tag: joints
#190 – Whither, Whether the Weather
All my joints were behaving My walk was a joy Neither sharp twinges nor tweaks Appeared to annoy A light mist gently caressed While we “#190 – Whither, Whether the Weather”
#37 – How It’s Handled Makes a Difference
In an earlier post, I talked about using China mugs because they are pretty light-weight. There’s another consideration, regardless of the type of mug you get. It’s “#37 – How It’s Handled Makes a Difference”
#25 – Double-Duty Luggage
Laptop. LCD projector. Books. Props. Prizes. These are just a few of the things that I bring with me whenever I present at a conference or “#25 – Double-Duty Luggage”
#10 – First Flooring It
A recent get-away not only provided me with some R & R, but also with material for several posts. Some motels do not come equipped “#10 – First Flooring It”
#9 – Think P.C.
I’m not referring to Politically Correct or to Progressive Conservative. President’s Choice? Nope. Nor is it a short form for Personal Computer. Are you curious? On “#9 – Think P.C.”