It's hard to believe that it's been just over five months since we took dear sweet Holly for that final trip to the vet. We are blessed to have her share our life and home for 10 1/2 years.
Even now, the house seems very quiet and empty. Although she has permanently left us, I still feel her presence. I have moments when I want to check on her, give her a pat, take her for a walk... I even expect to see her in the kitchen hoovering the floor, while I prepare a meal.

No More...
walks in the park
or treks after dark
No more...
help in the kitchen
nor ears that turn to listen
No more...
help at hand: "Fetch the phone!"
If I should fall and be alone
No more...
wet paws and dog boots
and all-weather suits
No more...
"crackle eyes" and
a gaze that seeks to appraise
No more...
sitting so discreetly
one paw crossed over the other, so sweetly
No more...
dog hair in my bra
Yes, that seemed to be the law!
No more...
hops in the car, t'wasn't ever a chore
for trips to the "store"
No more...
crushed shoes
while waiting and suffering the blues
No more...
expensive pills to administer
nor diapers that are so "sinister"
No more.

A Tribute to Holly
Holly, alone and overlooked
Locked in your tiny cell
How good it felt to bring you home
Your early life was hell
No housetraining, afraid of men
Even the broom terrified you
You realized that you were safe
Oh, you were a handful
A loveable bundle of nerves
But "home" became the place
You recognized and embraced
You draped your neck across my knee
As if to say, "Love me."
Warm mornings, we'd sit in the sun
Before the day had begun
Often, I'd catch you staring at me
Your "kohl-lined" crackle eyes
Seeming to memorize
My gestures and my intentions
Oh, you sensitive girl
Upon my shoes, you would curl
You stayed as long as you could
Of that, I am assured
To you, I sadly bid adieu
I'm still here, where are you?

Oh goodness. Your tribute poem made me teary-eyed. So beautifully and sensitively written, Marianna. Holly sounds and looks like such a sweet, soulful and spirited girl. Her kohl-lined eyes always will be a vision imprinted in your memory, now ours.
May you continue to heal with the memories forever sealed in your heart.
Warm regards,
Dear Jacqui,
You captured Holly’s essence perfectly, especially the “spirited” part. As you have your own fur babies, I know you comprehend how they enrich our lives. I appreciate your kind words.
Beautiful words, Marianna. Sending hugs xx