On Alter Your Course, I listed a few things that help me wander the circuitous path that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has set out for me. While I'm not always 100% successful at doing them, I manage to find my way back whenever I stray off-course.
How are you doing with those New Year's vows? Have you been successful with the changes that you've promised yourself? Perhaps your resolutions were cast in plaster and the icy winter weather has quickly caused them to crumble.
When you decide that self-flagellation, via the guilt train, is no longer viable, it's time to travel a different route.
Bundle up
To Change Your Life, Learn How to Trust Your Future Self. Jeff Wise outlines how to better achieve your goals by breaking your larger goal down into easy-to-accomplish steps. With the religious execution of those baby steps, you chalk up small successes, or bundles. Based on your past performance, you then have proof that you can achieve the bigger goal. The fruit of your labour yields a healthy serving of trust in yourself. The more you nurture it, the more it grows.
Imagine how it feels when you exclaim,"Hey, I'm confident that I can do this, based on what I've done so far!"
Yes, even when you have a chronic illness, such as RA!