This post is like half and half cream. Part serious and part poking fun, it's my way to strive for optimism, an attitude that Michael J. Fox has adopted. Optimism is a way to be well, in spite of living with RA. I may have RA, but it doesn't have me!
"Choose to be optimistic. It feels better." - Dalai Lama XIV
- You become an amateur scientist, if you're not already one. Experiment. Test.
- You become adept at adaptability.
- You have no fear of becoming your community's version of Imelda Marcus or Carrie from Sex and the City. If your feet hurt, you become very choosy about the shoes you buy and there's only a limited number of comfortable, yet semi-fashionable shoes available!
- People may offer their seat on transit when they see you struggling.
- You learn anatomy through the back door. You get to know how your body works from all those appointments with your healthcare team.
- You have a good reason to exercise.
- You have a valid reason for when you don't want to go to an event.
- You are a creative problem-solver, finding unique and unusual ways to get the things you need to do done!
- You have a great appreciation for your mobility.
- When you become a senior, you won't suddenly be complaining about all your aches and pain. You've had them all along!
What am I missing from this list?
The only thing I see that is missing is all the great people I have been able to meet. I love the community.
A good add from a great person! Thanks, Rick.
Love all the ideas but especially #10. I’m finding this to be true.