Home shopping can be stressful enough, but when you have a chronic illness such as rheumatoid arthritis, it make things especially hard.
Purchasing a home can be a stressful process and adding a chronic condition like RA into the mix brings up a whole other list of things to consider. So how exactly can you go about making the best decisions as you navigate home shopping with RA?
My husband and I decided to purchase our home at the same time that I was awaiting surgery for my first hip replacement. In retrospect, the extreme pain I was in helped to keep me in check, as I tend to “forget” how bad the pain can get, imagining that I can do more than I can. So, if you're like me, it may not be a bad idea to go house shopping when you're flaring. Later, you'll be thankful that you chose with your RA in mind, especially when the RA pain comes out to play in that very nasty way.
Click to read the rest of How to Shop for a House with RA in Mind to discover the things you'll want to put on your home buying checklist.
We always need to keep the future in mind when we purchase a house. The 17 oak trees on our last property were gorgeous, but it also meant 17 years of work during the time we lived there!!