Thirty-seven years is a long time to cope with RA. One of the many tools in my toolbox is to develop flexibility in my thinking so that I can change how I think about not only RA, but other things in my life. This month on HealthCentral, I offer my perspective on perception, along with six things to work on to help you broaden your perspective.
When you live with a chronic illness such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), how you think and feel about your condition can have a huge impact on your emotional, mental, and often, physical health.
Pleasing or paralyzing perceptions?
As you go about your day, you are consciously, and unconsciously, monitoring and appraising your surroundings, which feed your senses. You then draw conclusions based upon your past experiences, your knowledge, and even how you currently feel.
What thoughts went through your head when you first received your diagnosis? My life is over! I won't ever be able to do [your activity] again! A major flare-up may lead you to the conclusion that you will never get better, that you will always feel the way you feel in that moment.
Read the rest of the article here: Change Your Thinking to Cope Better with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
I think there are things in your article, Marianna, that could apply to any physical condition and I congratulate you over and over for being a shining star for people with RA. You demonstrate from the start that a positive outlook on your life and situation keeps you moving, physically and mentally. Great post.
Thanks for your on-going support, Beth. I appreciate it, and you!
I think we all have our “moments”, but the important thing is to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, then start over again.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season – filled with things that make your heart sing.