MBSR Every Day - Daily Practices from the Heart of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction by Elisha Goldstein, PhD and Bob Stahl, PhD is a gem of a book that will shine brightly in your jewel box of self-care techniques, should you come to own a copy. Now, thanks to New Harbinger Publications, owning a copy is that much easier. See below for instructions on how to enter the giveaway!
This book is organized into five parts: One Moment, Breathe, Tune the Heart, Meditate, Be. Within each part are short chapters of two to four pages each offering an explanation followed by a Just Do It! suggestion. The beauty of these short chapters is that they are quick to read for those who are time-challenged.
The authors recommend that you can work through the book sequentially or choose to do a particular practice that speaks to you. I have a third suggestion: with books of this nature, I will sometimes open the book at random. Quite often, the page I open to is something that I need to work on or hear. However you choose to use MBSR Every Day, you'll find that the strategies are well-explained and simple to incorporate.
Occasionally, I have noticed with a few of my own clients that when they first begin to practice the art of quietening their minds and hearts, they put up a Houdini-like struggle as they try to escape the invisible cords of calm. Goldstein and Stahl explain this process well:
"Unfortunately, just sitting with yourself for five, ten or fifteen minutes (or more) and paying attention to your breath is - for many of us - an act of being vulnerable. The fact is that throughout the day, most of us are guarding against being alone by either staying busy in activity or staying busy in our minds. But in paying attention to the breath, you build trust that you can actually be with yourself - with whatever is here. Through practice and repetition, the brain changes, and a new thought can emerge from the neural growth that says I can handle this; it's going to be okay." (Pages 79-80)
As I began to read this book, I knew that it was something special. It sparkles with words of wisdom, such as this quote from Joy Thich Nhat Hanh:
"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." (Page 95)
It instructs with stories such as the one you'll find on page 21 about the blind boy with new eyes and how we see differently when we change our perceptions and assumptions. It enriches your life by showing you how to align your heartmindbody to live in greater harmony with yourself.
From being a beginner to recognizing the interconnection of things, the techniques offered in this book will empower you to turn on your runway lights to help you land in a place with less fear and separation and more wisdom and connection. Life is a process - learn to stay open and present to the changing conditions and grow in your capacity to deal with your stress, manage your emotions and live with more inspiration.
Here’s how to enter the giveaway:
- To enter the giveaway, leave a short comment on this post.
- Entries must be received by midnight PST on Sunday, September 20th, 2015.
- This contest is open to anyone of legal age who has a mailing address in Canada or the US.
- For extra entries to the draw, get social:
- On Twitter? Share the following: Enter a #book #giveaway from @AuntieStress for a copy of MBSR Every Day, courtesy of @NewHarbinger - http://wp.me/p2PenP-1xx #mindfulness
- Make your way over to my Pinterest Board called "Giveaways." Earn one entry by clicking “Comment” then leave one. Earn another entry by re-pinning this giveaway announcement.
- On Google+? Be sure to +MariannaPaulson when you share the link, and you’ll earn another entry.
One winning entrant will be drawn from a hat.
You will be notified via email. Your name will appear here, as well as on Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and in my newsletter.
Good luck!
I’m a fan of both authors and I think this would be a great book for college students or anyone working to make mindfulness a regular practice
I’m willing to try. I’m finding it more essential to stop and clear my mind. Some days it’s all whirling like a tiny tornado in my brain
Thanks for another wonderful post and book giveaway!
I love reading different authors’ perspectives and suggestions on how to incorporate mindfulness into one’s daily routine.
Mindfulness meditation is such a helpful tool to both become more aware of one’s own thoughts and feelings (which may lead you to make some changes in your behaviors as a result) and cope with life’s stresses.
Thanks for the email Marianna! This is most definitely a book that I’d love to check out. I love love love books like this and am always looking for new ones to read!!! The best ones always come from recommendations 🙂
What a wonderful opportunity to increase my mindfulness practice! I hope I win!
Congratulations to Dorlee! You’ll be receiving a copy of MBSR Every Day.
Thanks so much, Marianna! I’m most appreciative and excited 🙂
You’re very welcome, Dorlee. I know you’ll enjoy it.