Health Advice

auntie stress health advice

I think this health advice still stands, all these years later, don't you?


5 Replies to “Health Advice”

  1. Aloha Marianna,

    I was just listening to Cake’s funky version of the Doris Day song: “Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps”.

    There’s no “Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps” about the longevity and appropriateness of the health advice of “Listen to Music”. Can’t believe that advice was around during the Roman times!!

    Here’s to music and our well-being!
    Jackie Yun

    1. Hi Jackie,

      I initially thought that I was unfamiliar with this song, until I played it. Perfect for a hot summer day.

      I am somewhat in awe of this quote – so full of common-sense, that we would be well to heed today.

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