My sleep quality has improved, thanks to the consistent practice of the stress techniques and tools I use, both in my work with clients and in my own daily habits.
Stress is a sleep thief. When you consider that you may have forgotten about the stressful event that occurred earlier in the day, your body has not. It takes time to process those chemicals. Cortisol, which has been known to interrupt sleep, can stay in the body for up to thirteen hours if you don't know how to neutralize its effects. That's assuming you don't continue to stress.
Remember that when you are soaking in negative thoughts and emotions, you are potentially adding to that stock-pile of cortisol. Something those of us with chronic conditions do not need. Ask your doctor if stress exacerbates your condition. It did mine - that's why I became Auntie Stress.
Chronic pain can set up a keep-you-awake cycle that lasts long after the pain has gone.
Developing a sleep hygiene regimen is as important as flossing and brushing your teeth before bedtime. The guidelines I use include having a cool, quiet and dark room. No television or electronics allowed, apart from a regular phone and my alarm clock, which only sheds light when I press a button.
By my admission, I am a high maintenance sleeper; I like to set up my sleep conditions in my favour.
To help me achieve that, here is a simple, effective trick I use. Can you tell what it is? It's a tube from wrapping paper. It rolls away whenever the door is opened from either side.

A better option would be to use some of that plumber's pipe insulation foam. I'm planning on getting a longer piece of this:

Finally, Have You Considered a 'Sleep Divorce'?
What are your sleep secrets?