Mirthful Monday: Meet Fozzy

What is fuzzy and so darn adorable that you can just squeeze him and squeeze him some more?

Meet Fozzy, one of the friendly pooches you'll often see at my chiropractor's office.

auntie stress fozzy
Everyone feels great at the Vancouver Integrated Health clinic!

A couple of weeks ago, I had one of those oh-so-good-for-you belly laughs after Dr. Stefan Sigalet showed me this picture:

auntie stress fozzy

Do you know what it is?

Look carefully - well, as it turns out, you don't actually have to look too hard! Sheila, Fozzy's mom, tells me that this is how he normally hides his bone.

I wonder if he just can't be bothered to do a better job? Or maybe he realizes just how funny it is, and enjoys the ensuing laughter and attention!

It's no wonder that pets are so good for one's health!

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