Joanna was kind enough to email me and share a product that she enjoys using. When I asked her, she agreed to write it up, just for me, for you! 🙂 Thanks, Joanna!
Joanna's Guest Post
This Christmas I got one of those new aluminum wallets. I thought it was cute at first (because it’s so shiny!) but when I started using it, I realized it was about much more than looks. It has changed my life! I know that sounds silly but it’s true.
It is easy for me to push the button to open it up and when it is open, my cards are all fanned out. With very little effort, I can choose which card I need, hand it to the cashier and put it swiftly back in when I’m done with it.
With my old wallet, I struggled to grasp my debit card and pull it out of the sleeve. Another thing I noticed is that my purse is much lighter. The aluminum wallet weighs so much less than my standard older wallet. I can also easily slip it into my pants pocket when I want to leave my purse at home. The only drawback I have is that I can’t fit cash into it when it’s full of my other cards but I rarely carry cash anyway. I am, however, considering getting a second aluminum wallet just for cash and coins.
I looked on and there are a plethora of colors and prices. Thanks for letting me share my very own tip!
Buy it here: Sodial - Waterproof Business Id Credit Card Wallet Holder Aluminum Metal Case Box

I was looking at a wallet that made it easier to get cards out but the price was high and there were no people I knew using one. I’ll check Amazon. I do have trouble getting some of my cards out and it makes me feel incapable at times
It doesn’t help that all those cards add weight and bulk. I’m glad that there are options.
A metal wallet also shields those new credit and debit cards that have wireless tapping capability against illegal access.
That’s a good thing to know. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Maarten.