I have some catching up and sharing to do, so here goes:
Readers share their favourite swimming spots on Giveaway: What Suits You. Perhaps you want to add them to your Life List. 🙂
Kia shares a recipe for Sunday Potatoes on "Peel Potatoes, Peel Potatoes....
On La Passeggiata, Harmony shares her European tradition. Have you implemented a version of this? She shares some kitchen tips on Egg Slicer Finds a New Job.
S. Emerson has us thinking stitches with this tip on "Infoamed" Decision. Check out some multi-purposing tips on Egg Slicer Finds a New Job.
A tap, a hiss and enjoy! Thanks to Maarten's suggestion on Dill Pickles.
On Elevator Educator, Dorlee M. offers a link for an organization that does advocacy on behalf of Canadians with Disabilities. Kia expresses her surprise at the lack of a ramp at a hotel that is rampless. Perhaps they need to review Open for Business.
You may be interested in the first, second and third readers' roundups!
Just tap gently, don’t break the glass.
Reminds me, I’m out of pickles.