It first belonged to Oma. Then my mom had it. Now it's mine.
I've used it a few times while recuperating from one surgery or another.
Surgery takes a lot out of you. Initially I would be quite weak and would quickly get winded. I set small and frequent walking goals for myself, using the walker for stability and a much-needed rest, especially in the first few weeks.
Probably my most difficult surgery was when I had my neck fused. I remember being so thrilled when I finally made it to Tim Horton's, which is about two blocks away. Gee, maybe they should have put me in a commercial! Starbucks was just too far of a walk in those early weeks.
It's important to set small, achievable goals, post-surgery. Silence the ISBC (a euphemistic term for "inner critic") and celebrate when you reach those goals.
Note: The one I have is exactly like this, but in blue. The reason you're not getting an original picture is because it's stashed away. I'm happy to say that I don't need it.