#312 – Too Well Enveloped

A stop at the Magic Money Wall (as my friend calls the bank machine), resulted in a frustrating experience (and this blog post).

In order to deposit a cheque, I needed an envelope. The design of the envelope holders at that particular bank is not ideal for anyone who struggles with using their hands. The envelopes were stuffed so tightly into the slot that no amount of pinching or pulling provided me with the envelope I needed to complete my transaction.

auntie stress bank envelope
It is extremely difficult to get an envelope out of this dispenser.
auntie stress bank envelope
A slightly better design.

In my travels, I've noticed that a better, more accessible option is available, which some banks and credit unions are using.

Related post:

4 Replies to “#312 – Too Well Enveloped”

  1. I totally agree – how frustrating! I find that even the “better” envelope dispenser design a bit awkward as I have both a bit of arthritis in my right (dominant) hand and issues with carpal tunnel constriction. Having to “pinch and twist” means trying a few times before I can get the darn thing out!

    The simplest thing to do is to take a couple of extra envelopes each time and have them on file at home. That way, you can do the “fiddling about” ahead of time – saves you from the juggling act you have to do at the ATM with their teeny tiny shelves.

  2. ATMs are some of the most inaccessible contraptions I’ve ever seen. Seems to have included no consideration of disabilities at all. Can’t use ’em.

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