As you know from my blog posts here and here, I am a big believer in the joys of pet ownership, especially dogs. Not only do they serve as a Four-Legged Personal Trainer, but they provide invaluable lessons such as these:
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is another important benefit of pet ownership, as is discussed on Pet Owners Have Healthier Hearts.
I've written about Heart Rate Variability here. It is also at the core of what I do as a stress coach. It is also what has made me healthier, have considerably fewer flare-ups and have more time, especially since I'm not in the doctor's office every month or so with an infection or some other complaint.
Simply put, HRV is the way in which your heart speeds up and slows down. With the use of educational technology and a coaching program, you learn how trudging through the murky waters of negative thinking and feeling affects your heart rhythms and your health, be it emotional, mental and/or physical.
You see it. You also see how you can change the rhythm from one that is jagged to a smooth one with the regular practice of techniques that bring your nervous system into balance and your body into sync. Hint: If you're stressed, you'll want to watch for a future life-improving giveaway!
As wonderful as it is to own pets, it is important to recognize whether owning a pet would cause you more stress. Ask yourself whether you are constantly worrying about the health of your pet or how you will look after your pet in spite of a chronic illness. Pets pick up on your stress, so it is important to transform it, not only for yourself, but for the health of your pet.
Your pet is a wonderful stress undresser. Whether it be stroking them, playing with them or watching their antics. Or even if they do nothing but luxuriate in the sun. Which reminds me of this humorous exchange.
How does your pet enrich your life?
Thanks to Christian Johannsen at Foot Solutions for originally tweeting the link to this article.
Great information. If you don’t own the pet, but the pet is brought to you to cuddle and watch and stroke, I think
it’s a great stress reliever. I am going to mention this when I talk about dementia on a radio program this week. Thanks.
For sure. I used to visit the hospital with my dog, and when I was recovering at the rehab hospital, Rex would come in with his owner. Great therapy and unconditional love from our furry friends.