#283 – Rising to New Heights

auntie stress elevated toilet seat

In Nature Calling, I talked about replacing your low toilet with one that is higher.

This is not always possible or feasible, so you may need to buy an elevated toilet seat. They come in a variety of styles with a range of features, including locks so that they don't slip and handles to aid you in standing. The types of materials used vary, as well. I'm sorry that I can't give you specific advice on this, since I bought mine over fifteen years ago.

Before you make this purchase, ask for recommendations. They are not created equal, nor are they equal in terms of ease of cleaning. By far, the easiest to clean is the in-house toilet seat.

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4 Replies to “#283 – Rising to New Heights”

  1. I sure could have used this since my foot surgery….but I had to prioritize my purchases and the knee walker/scooter and ergonomic crutches and regular walker all took precedence! Nonetheless this is a great idea and I may just get one for my next foot surgery since I will have all the current items in stock next time around! thanks for the advice as always.

  2. I had to buy a raiser as it is called here, after my second revision to the left hip joint. I am so used to it that I now find it uncomfortable to use the normal ones, as I found out last week end when I had gone to a friend’s farm house for an overnight stay.

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