Along with a short waist, brown eyes, dark, wavy hair and a certain degree of stubbornness, I inherited something else from my father.
Genes can increase the risk of rheumatoid arthritis, although other factors do come into play. RA doesn't discriminate and in my family, both my dad and my paternal grandmother had it.
To read about the genetic link, please see the article posted on The National Institute of Health website.
For more information about how RA affects men, please see that inimitable RA Guy's post entitled XY with RA.
My father’s side have a history of longevity. I hope that I haven’t inherited it. I would not like to do to my son what my father is doing to me. My two younger brothers and the youngest sister have all got arthritic knees. Inherited from my mother. I have been spared so far, but my necrosis of the femoral head has compensated for it.
You are not your father. I think Ranjan might have something to say about that.