You've heard it many times before. To improve your fitness, it is important to take part in different types of activities in order to work different muscle groups.
When I saw Paddleboard Yoga on King 5, I had such a yearning to do this. Unfortunately, hip replacements and bad knees ensures that this is one splash I won't be making. got me thinking about how I could change my pool routine.
Then it hit me! Since I already do deep-water exercises using two flutter boards (now known as kick boards), I could do deep-water belly dancing!
It's just the change I'm craving. Not only do I exercise my core muscles, I also create some different neural connections by learning and practicing something new.
Here's a website that teaches you some of the basic moves, many of which can be adapted to the water. Try it for yourself and let me know what you think!
Please let me know if you'd like more specific information about how to adapt these moves in future posts.

what a great idea! I will be back in the pool in 9 weeks hopefully! I have my foot surgery Thursday….but I will definitely try this when I get back in the water! thanks. Nan
It does make a nice change.
I’ll hold you in my thoughts on Thursday. Sending you hugs.