#216 – Earth Day and Creaky Joints

I do my best to practice the Three R's; I work on Earth Day Habits, All Year.

However, when mobility is limited or restricted, I tend to agree with Kermit - it's not (always) easy being green. Mostly when cleaning. There are times when you need a little more oomph; when sore and dislocated joints make it next to impossible to apply the requisite elbow grease.

Like when the oven racks or the roasting pans sport a souvenir of meals gone-by. A trick I learned from I-don't-know-where is to spray the items in question with oven-cleaner, place them in a tightly sealed large garbage bag. Leave the bag outside in the sun for several hours. Rinse. Wash with warm soap and water and voilà! Clean!

If anyone knows of an easy, environmentally and joint friendly way to clean those stuck-on bits, please share it.

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8 Replies to “#216 – Earth Day and Creaky Joints”

  1. My connection between Earth Day and creaky joints is that in order to take good photographs of native plants I often have to get into strange positions on the ground, and in Texas the ground is usually less than hospitable. (And I’m pleased to see you writing voilà, even with its accent; too many English speakers these days think the word is viola.)

    Steve Schwartzman

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