For someone living with rheumatoid arthritis, even the lightest-of-weight irons can feel as heavy as this antique iron looks. However, weight isn't the only reason you'll want to limit the amount of time you spend ironing. Swollen, dislocated and deformed fingers are painful; any steps that can be taken to save your joints will help you move through your life.
Less wrinkling equals less ironing. Since I don't have to sweat and struggle with the iron, that adds up to a greater deal of savings in my own personal energy department.
Get in the habit of taking your clothes out of the dryer as soon as it stops. Reduce the amount of ironing you have to do and feel a little less like Cinderella, pre-Prince.
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Hanging items to dry on the line outdoors lessens the need for ironing and provides a bonus shot of aromatherapy to boot!
In theory, I’m all for this idea. In practice, not so easy to do, unless it’s underwear and dish towels. Dislocated joints and heavy, wet laundry do not mix, nor dry, for that matter!