#94 – Mini Tree and Me

I enjoy pulling out the boxes of Christmas tree decorations, many of which are lovingly wrapped up in memories: of students I've taught, season, reason or lifetime friends or childhood trees. Those memories can take all shapes and sizes; be it fairly recent or ones that are wrapped up deeper in the past, much like Robert describes on his post entitled So Little, But So Much.

However, there have been Christmases where the big tree with all its decorations have been too much to handle. Joints were flaring, energy was waning.

For those occasions, The Mini Tree awaits deployment - it comes out of the box, fully dressed for Christmas. The mini tree then goes up on our entertainment unit where it is surrounded with gifts for thee and we. When Christmas is over, it goes back into the box, ready to regale another season, as needed.

4 Replies to “#94 – Mini Tree and Me”

  1. I have a three foot artificial tree that I set on a rectangular side table. It makes it easier to reach and gifts can go on the table for easy access when guests arrive and others store safely underneath the table out of the way until needed.

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