I came across this tweet that was retweeted by @stales on September 19th. It was a conversation between @DrAttai and @regrounding about that oft-troublesome, four-lettered word h-e-l-p.
All I can say is, "Ain't that the truth?" Realizing that you need help, asking for it and accepting it can be very difficult.
This painful lesson was reinforced several years ago, after a fall resulted in a broken arm and ribs. I wrote about it here, here and here. (Yes, it was a biggie!)
Tip: You don't have to do it all by yourself. Recognize that your fear of "No" may be getting in the way of the help you need. Learn to request help by starting with something small that will build up your confidence and success. For example, "Would you open this water bottle for me, please?"
For those who don't know, rheumatoid arthritis affects the hands in the following ways:
- the swelling that occurs in the joints is painful and debilitating
- finger joints can dislocate
- hands become deformed and weak
Past experience may be colouring your present reality. If in the past, you asked for help and were turned down, you may erroneously assume that no help is available now. This is a process that begins with awareness, is augmented by knowledge (the what and how?) and reinforced by practice.
Be patient and gentle with yourself.