I have rheumatoid arthritis. And I’ve had it for far longer than I've not had it.
A recent full-blown flare-up reminded me how fortunate I am not to have experienced one of this magnitude since I began practicing stress transformation techniques.
To help you understand what someone goes through when they live with the pain and deformity of rheumatoid arthritis, I've created some simulations for you to imagine:
- Tightly wind some elastics around your fingers. Then, put some heavy winter mittens on your hands. Now, open a carton of milk, unscrew a jar or unlock the door.
- Place some marbles in your shoes. Put your shoes on. Go for a walk.
- Bend your knees. Apply duct tape vertically along the front and back of your knees. Now straighten them.
How was that?
Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disease in which the body mistakenly attacks its own tissue. The disease is characterized by inflammation - hot, stiff, swollen and painful joints. As the disease progresses, it affects the synovial lining of the joints, erodes bones and can damage ligaments, tendons, cartilage, joint capsules and organs.
Oh yeah, and energy. It can suck the life out of you. Everyday living tasks not only hurt, but are also next to impossible to do.
Even when the disease isn't active (flaring), the damage the disease inflicts echoes on; dislocated fingers mean that opening bottles without an aid can be next to impossible. Slipping your credit card into the slot at the pay station is a struggle. Low seats or benches, although inviting, mean that getting up off them will require fortitude. If you take these things for granted, stop and appreciate how well your body works; regular heart-felt breaths of appreciation are an excellent antidote to stress.
The pain of rheumatoid arthritis varies and can include, but is not limited to, some of the following descriptions: throbbing, aching, sharp or dull pain, grabbing or nagging. That is the querulous nature of the disease.
When I first moved to British Columbia people often said, “Wait five minutes and the weather will change.” Somewhat like rheumatoid arthritis. An hour can see a change, either for the better or the worse.
Since I've learned about stress and work daily on transforming it, my flare-ups are further and fewer between. I am much better at pain-management, which frees up my energy.
The constant activation of the stress response wears out the nervous system, which wears you out. Think of it as stepping on the brake and gas of your car at the same time. Not good for the car. Not good for you.
If only I had known about these techniques thirty-three years ago, I may not have had to go through as much pain, joint and bone damage and surgeries. But, it is what it is. Perhaps I was not yet ready to learn and practice these on-going in-the-moment techniques? As in stress transformation, you start where you are.
One of the most challenging aspects of living with this disease has been to learn to maintain joint function by protecting the joints from undue stress and strain. I enjoy getting things done and it can be frustrating knowing that engaging in the activities of everyday living can contribute to the further destruction of delicate and damaged joints. Similar to what I teach my clients when they are learning to transform their stress, it is about balance. How much can I do? How often? How heavy? With what assistance? What to let go?
If you live with a chronic condition and feel like you're being blown about in a storm of uncertainty and are ready to take some control over your "internal pharmacy", please consider learning some stress transformation techniques.
The way you think and feel is important for your "inner climate", which in turn, affects your "outer climate". Adjust your climate control.
Read on for a sneak preview of my e-book: Thirty-Three Years, Ninety-One Tips – Getting Things Done with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Around the House
#7: Sleep with a pillow between your knees. If you have longer legs, opt for a king-sized pillow.
#3: Large containers such as 2L cartons of milk are hard and heavy to hold. Decant them into smaller jars or pitchers.
In the Car
#14: When you are shopping for a new car, create a wish list. I had a check list that I would take with me when I visited each dealership. That way I would be sure to make the best purchase possible.
Out and About
#1: Keep a surgical glove in your purse - great leverage for opening things.
Everyday Living
#29: Transform your stress. Negative thoughts and emotions create a very different chemical cascade than do positive ones. The flight or fight response is designed to help you deal with a life-threatening situation. Become aware of how you are thinking and feeling. Get knowledgeable about what stress is and what you can do about it. Practice, practice, practice new life-enhancing behaviours.
For the rest of the ninety-one tips, please pre-order my forth-coming e-book: Thirty-Three Years, Ninety-One Tips – Getting Things Done When You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis. Now only $6.99. Please click here to place your name on the list.
Marianna, I wish that I had known about your condition earlier. I may not have been able to anything about it, but I could have perhaps been little less flippant than I have been. I ache for you and I am not exaggerating a bit. I lived with unbearable pain for five years before both my hip joints were replaced and I can well imagine what you must be going through during the attacks. I have just recently had an attack of intense muscular inflation due to sleeping incorrectly and it has taken fifteen days to come out of it. I am blessed to be living in India where many facilities that you do not have are available like servants, drivers, phone in for delivery stores etc. So, it was not bad but if I could not say afford such facilities, like most Indians cannot, it would be a different story altogether.
From this distance, all I can convey to you is I relate to your post and pray that you gain the strength to manage that. My best wishes to you.
For the record, I never considered you “flippant”.
That’s the sad thing about living with a chronic condition. It’s all the extra costs that can eat away at one’s resources.
In my case, it meant not being able to do a job I loved. Then, there’s the cost of all the extras – medical supplies, user fees for prescriptions, special tools to make life easier, time to get to appointments.
There is a social and recreational cost, as well.
Some of those services which you speak about would certainly come in handy at times! In fact, strong hands that work well, would come in handy! 🙂
I appreciate your heartfelt wishes. Thank you.
I’m glad that you’ve seen the back-side of your recent troubles.
Yes, Marianna, my tag line is ‘Wiser by hindsight’. I am indeed glad to have seen the backside of my recent troubles!