Are You Right, or Are You Right?

"Whether you think you're right or you think you're wrong, you're right!" - Henry Ford

I'm much more aware of this now, for myself and others. We hold certain beliefs and we will usually do whatever it takes to make our beliefs true.

Consider these three examples:

  1. The guy who is uncomfortable with learning public speaking skills. Rather than give the class a chance, he finds reasons why this isn't going to work.
  2. The woman who, when she finally meets a guy who treats her well, finds a reason why he's "not the one" such as "he looks OK, but he doesn't really have the look I'm going for."
  3. The student who believes that everyone else breezes through school and gives up before even attempting to study.

Versions of these scenarios occur countless times in a day. What are you "right" about? What is the cost? Can you afford to be just a wee bit wrong and if so, how do things change?

We can get stuck in believing a certain thing about ourselves and will ignore any information that proves the contrary belief. This is often something of which we're unaware and is very limiting. It can set up a road block that keeps us from fully living our lives.

For now, it's enough to just get curious and notice how you feel when you hold a particular belief? Is it resourceful? Do you feel good? If it doesn't feel good, are you ready for a change of heart?

Related post:

7 Replies to “Are You Right, or Are You Right?”

  1. Thanks, Cecile.

    What a wonderful start to my day to read your comment.

    Have fun creating your day – listen to your heart & you won’t go wrong.

  2. Very very true:
    “whether you think you’re right or you think you’re wrong, you’re right!”
    Thanks Marianna, for sharing such a thought provoking post.
    God bless.

  3. “The point is that we can get stuck in believing a certain thing about ourselves and will ignore any information that proves the contrary belief. This is often something of which we’re unaware, and is very limiting and keeps us from fully living our lives.”

    How do we change this thinking?

  4. Thanks for commenting, Surjit.

    I will be posting a Part 2 to this article this week which will provide some more information on this topic.

    To answer your question, change involves awareness, knowledge & application. We need to know that we’re doing something that we want to change, have the knowledge of what to do to change it and the determination, support & patience to make the changes.

    I work with people to help them with all 3 aspects of change, so that they go on to live a better life.

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