Lessons are everywhere, if we choose to pay attention. I recently lost my glasses, so it necessitated getting an eye exam, which was over-due, and purchasing new glasses. I had trouble adjusting to my new glasses - too heavy, didn't sit properly, gave me a headache - until I found my old glasses two weeks later. That's another story!
Then, suddenly my new glasses fit just right. This got me thinking. Did they suddenly adjust to my face (unlikely) or did I give up the attachment to my old glasses (likely) which then made my new glasses be okay?
How many things do we keep that actually hold us back? Take a look in your cupboard and see if you can discard or donate an item that you are "attached" to - can you let go of that art project you began twenty years ago that is collecting dust? How about an item of clothing that you plan on getting into, even if it is out of style and three sizes too big or too small?
Start small and notice what happens, both internally and externally. Let me know how it goes, please.