When my age could be told in the single digits, I was often not far from a notebook, pencil and my imagination. Pages later, I had spun a tale or three. I loved to write.

Then, something happened and the decades passed. I stopped doing what I loved. It wasn't until 2006 when I learned how to transform my stress that I found this lost love. It started with periodic articles for the monthly newsletter of a networking group, of which I was a member. Some encouragement and soon this blog appeared, followed by Heart to Heart, my quarterly, now monthly newsletter.

Now, I'm embarking upon a new writing adVENTURE. I've had rheumatoid arthritis for thirty-four years and had to adapt, change and let go of the way I do things in order to find a new way of moving through the world.

A Rheumful of Tips is my year-long, once-daily blog project. You're invited to walk a year in my shoes.

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